The Life of JaWS

A blog by Jason Sansbury

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My Fall Reading List...

So every season, I order books to be on my reading list. Here is the list for this fall, ordered today. (Not in any order of importance.) I will do a review of each book as I read it. As I have said previously, I am a reading freak. Here are some keys to becoming a great reader:
1. Don't have cable TV or reliable internet at your house. You'd be amazed at the time you find on your hands.
2. Read to learn and for enjoyment. As you can see, I have a wide mix of books, from ministry specific to business world books, mainly because a certain pastor told me I need more business books and less Brennan Manning. See I am growing...becoming more corporate. I can't wait until my three piece suit arrives. And my pocket protector. And my Dale Carnegie library.
3. If you hit a wall, stop and do something else. People who read and feel like they aredrudging through something need to take a break. And, if something stinks, quit reading it and move on. Too many good books in the world.
4. Read what you want and what interests you. Don't try and read a ton of major philosophy books if that isn't what interests you. You'll do better reading for yourself and your own growth. Pick books that will stretch you sometimes but don't read books that don't interest you.

Until they get here I am reading liberally from my Eugene Peterson Pastoral Library. I forgot how great and challenging Peterson's thoughts are to me! I may post some quotes in the coming days...


At 10:57 PM , Blogger clavejones said...

I've read several of the books on the list but the only one I have read multiple times is 'How to Orbit the Giant Hairball'. Fantastic book.


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