The Life of JaWS

A blog by Jason Sansbury

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A couple decent youth ideas...

Okay, here is a couple decent youth ministry ideas/stuff that I have done recently.
Game idea: Make up a bunch of clues that you would use for the games Charades or Pictionary. Mix them all up. Then divide your group into teams. As each kid comes up, they pick a clue and then roll a dice. Odd = Pictionary, Even = Charades. It can be fun when they get a clue that would be easy in one and hard in the other and crap out on the roll. Just a fun game.

Bible study idea: I had my high school students write down at least 5 things they would say or describe themselves as. Then on the other side I had them write at least 5 things they would like to be in 10 years. One, it provided me some good insight into kids that I wouldn't have gotten without it. Second, I did the exercise and they gained some insights about me. Lastly, we wrapped it up with a discussion of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5) and how to work and ask God to grow those fruit in our own lives. I also liked it because it was pretty low commitment level for kids, i.e. it was easy for every kid to participate and be genuine.

Just thought I'd share.


At 11:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great ideas! Thanks for posting these.


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