The Life of JaWS

A blog by Jason Sansbury

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Movie Review: The Prestige

So in the midst of everything happening last summer, I completely missed seeing the just recently released on DVD film, "The Prestige." Directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman, the film has an imdb rating of 8.2, which I would bump to at least a 9. The film is about two rival magicians and their quest to be the best. It involves several twists and turns that I don't want to give away. I will say that this is the first film that I was surprised by the ending in some time. It is definitely worth a watch.

Nolan has a tendency to play with how a story unfolds and he does it again in this film, using flashbacks that aren't obvious flashbacks. This is the kind of movie that you have to watch with your full attention or else you wind up out of sequence. But I would also say that is part of the film's strength. The technique helps to make you focused on the plot and the characters.

Again, it is a very strong film and worth watching. Due to the fact that it is set in the past, it is remarkably free of language and gory violence. I am considering adding this to the Youth Choir tour list of movies but think I would have too many middle school kids who would be whining "What is happening? I don't understand" even though they can tell me every step of life of Paris Hilton. (Note: I am feeling a little jaded today.) But it will/could make an excellent example of the damage of the sin of envy and the cost it takes on ourselves and those around us.


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