The Life of JaWS

A blog by Jason Sansbury

Saturday, April 15, 2006

5 Things Churches Shouldn't Tolerate

(Note: For a while, I am going to try and blog in list form, obviously with some of my thoughts thrown in.)

Five things churches should never tolerate:
  1. Weak-ass lemonade.  I mean, as much potlucks, fellowship night dinners, etc that churches do, each church needs a lemonade guru who know the exact amount of powder, water and ice to add.  Nothing turns people away from churches with weak-ass lemonade.  It says “Hey, we care enough about you to give you tap water with a hint of lemon powder.”  Shameful.  The best lemonade in the world ought to be at churches.  

  2. Bad soloists.  I don’t care who they are, what dirt they have on the music minister or whatever.  If they suck, don’t let them sing in a leading way.  Especially if it happens repeatedly.  And they sound like dead country music singers.  Especially country music singers that no one under 45 years old cares about.

  3. The guy who vaguely threatens people in church leadership meetings.  This should draw an automatic figurative and maybe literal beatdown.

  4. White people choirs trying to do black people music.

  5. Open-ended questions in children’s sermons.  It is just asking for trouble.  Kids didn’t head down upfront to play 20 questions where you hope they can get “Jesus” somehow as one of the answers.  Teach them something quickly.  (Side note: no “children” sermons with adult agendas.)


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